If you cannot see where you are going, ask someone who has been there before
Mentoring for Personal Development
Mentoring is a relationship in which a more experienced person (the mentor) provides guidance and support to a less experienced person (the mentee). Mentors typically share their knowledge, skills, and experience with their mentees, and help them to develop their careers and personal lives. But the mentor does not take part in your journey your goals or your future; they are there solely to share information.
Mentoring has ancient roots tracing back to Greek mythology. The story goes that ‘Mentor’ was Odysseus’s friend. Whenever Odysseus went on a journey, he would entrust his son Telemachus to Mentor to share his wisdom and advice whilst the father was not home.
Today’s understanding of mentoring has evolved but still has at its core – wisdom and the sharing of that with another.
For me, mentoring starts with the need for something greater than one has at a specific time in one’s life. A famous quote reads: “If you cannot see where you are going, ask someone who has been there before.”
From that quote one leads to the next step which is to find the right mentor/s. Not just the right mentor/s but the right one for you. There is experience and wisdom all over but we are inspired by the people we look up to.
Mentors seldom seek mentees. It is the mentee that is looking for a mentor. For a mentee, you will look for the mentor/s who will have done it themselves and who will pass and share their learnings with you and you then will make it your own. In a way, it is mining their mind to get what you need for your journey.
As a mentor, I appreciate Steven Spielberg’s notion of mentoring: “The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.”
Thus as a mentee, you could learn from many mentors at the same time even.
Always be very specific in what you have come for from this mentor. The world has changed since the mentor had their successes. The mentor has different life goals and unique desires. You have to now nit-pick through all of that information and design something from what they have shared and make it very personal to achieve your own goals.
Mentoring empowers you, fosters learning, and contributes to your personal and career success and development.
Any Of These Sound Familiar?
task_altI have not done this before – what about speaking to someone who navigated similar challenges and found personal growth?
task_altI am new to this industry – how will I master this effectively and efficiently as quickly as possible?
task_altI admire ‘so&so’ – how can I be more like them?
task_altWhat if I had a dad that shared his experiences and wisdom?
task_altWhere will I get the advice I need to not make the mistakes so many know but I still have to learn?

Mentoring Benefits
task_altThe Transfer of Knowledge from those who have done it before
task_altRole Modelling based on mentors' attributes that inspire
task_altNetworking the correct scenes with the right people
task_altIncreased confidence through the mentoring relationship
task_altSkill Development enhancement.

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